When wandering through Le Marais in Paris earlier this year, I discovered Papier Tigre. They are a brand that creates awesome and contemporary paper products. Exactly, paper products. Needless to say, I could’ve spent hours in their shop.

They sell beautiful notebooks, cards, writing tools and have other cool products available such as this beautiful planner: The Assistant. Don’t fret yet, they have a webshop (that’s where it all started) to suit your needs if you’re not heading to Paris anytime soon.
And me? Well, I left Papier Tigre with a pen and a couple of cool cardboards with our initials on it (which, I have to admit, I still have to hang up in our home office).
On my wish list right now? The Manager, which would be the perfect desk accessory for 2015!
#hashtagHEAVEN !!
#hashtagHEAVEN !!